Human Nature
- Todd Simkin on teaching by judging the decision process, not just the results
When people discuss decisions that they’ve made, try to shield the person giving feedback from knowing the results - Todd Simkin on overcoming cognitive biases by communicating well with the right kind of group
Being able to bring in other people to the decision process in a constructive way beats anything else in truth finding - Shane Parrish and Todd Simkin on cognitive shortcuts, belonging, and tribalism
We can’t reason all from first principles. We need rules. Avoid wrapping identities up into the rules of tribes though - Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger on friendships and the benefits of choosing to be a high-quality person
Figure out the qualities you like in other people. Be a person who exhibits the very same qualities you admire in others - Harj Taggar on how, in conversations, human motives get in the way of truth seeking
Even if the stated goal of a conversation is getting closer to the truth, human nature often causes detours - Charlie Munger explains what made the success of Coca-Cola possible
How Coke exploits the human biochemistry and psychology, and have successfully blocked competitors from doing the same - José Luis Ricón on death and the Stockholm syndrome
Or, how people can bend reality and think that a bad thing may be actually good